The Dragon Slayer Chronicles are stories I told to my kids years ago, made up on the spot for evening story time.
They’ve encouraged me for years to write them out, which has proved challenging, since they were made up in the first place. But, the more I’ve thought about the idea, the more appealing and compelling it has become. I’ve always wanted to try my hand at fiction, so this is my chance!
It’s been fun to get to know the characters that have only floated around in my head in the past. It’s also fun developing them, and the storyline, as I go. Yes, that’s how I write. I only have a rough outline in my mind when I begin… and it changed many times due to what came out as I wrote. Strange, I know… but it worked for me.
The genre choice comes in part from the fact that these are stories I made up for my kids. But it also probably stems from the fact that I read lots of fantasy fiction novels growing up. I just like the genre. Buy it’s not a “true” fantasy novel. Here’s why…
Three main things:
1) Unlike most fantasy, I’m trying to keep these books as firmly based in reality as possible. No magic, sorcerers, or eerie, unearthly things going on. The only exception to that might be the reality of the spiritual realm (God, angels, demons), which definitely exist in my books, but I haven’t decided yet if I’ll make it overt (ala Ted Dekker and Frank Peretti). We’ll see.
You might say, “But the main character fights dragons. DRAGONS! That’s not very realistic.”
I beg to differ (sort of). The book of JOB (in the Bible, Job 41) describes a creature that spits fire and puffs smoke and sounds like, well, a dragon. I believe the Bible to be true (not mythical) and therefore believe that these creatures did exist at one time. I mean come on, we have a Bombardier Beetles that can shoot boiling hot liquid out its backside…. why not dragons that can spit fire?
2) I believe good fiction helps us think about and respond to real life. I’m seeking to make these books about the journey of a boy into the realm of manhood, including the element of personal faith. Though the world in which Hon does his thing is entirely fictional (even geographically), I’ve tried to base the circumstances and events along the lines of what happens in the real world.
I am creating characters who are real, flawed, have struggles, and feel the weight and pain of their own losses, failings, and sins. Hon is no different. In the struggle with his own humanity he’ll also battle to have faith in God through Christ, in the very real circumstances of his life – good and bad. It might be helpful to think of Hon as a “real person” in a “different time.” The same needs we have are the needs he has.
I’m not going to be formulaic in how I present faith-based topics (a sign of “bad” Christian fiction, in my opinion) but I’m not going to shy away from the need to struggle through the issue of personal faith either. I’m also very clear about the gospel, every person’s need for it, and the reality of God.
3) Over the course of the series I want to use these fictional accounts to address biblical real-life issues that are important to the family. Life. Death. Relationships. Communication. Courage. Manhood. Womanhood. Parenting. PTSD… and the list goes on.
The first book, “Beginnings” should be available for purchase March 15, 2014. Right now I have it in the hands of a “writing coach” and am taking a break from even looking at the book.
I’ll be providing MOBI (Kindle) and hard copy (paperback) at first… possibly EPUB as well. I’ll likely move it into other electronic formats over time. The books will be for sale on Amazon, with links to Amazon here on the website.
If you like the idea of what I’m trying to create, you can help by spreading the word. I’d love to see the book-launch week get an overwhelming response… and that can’t happen without you.
What that means is:
- PRAY that God will guide me and bless me as I write. It’s hard work and I want to do it as unto Him.
- Use the social media buttons at the bottom of this post or on the share page to, well, share this page with others in every social media channel you use.
- If you see me post about the book on Facebook, Google Plus, or Twitter, please repost it, like it, plus 1 it, retweet it, whatever applies.
- Share the posts you see on social media channels. The more you share it the more people will see it to make the book launch in the Fall a success.
- Email your friends and share this link (www.dragonslayerbook.com).
- Encourage them to sign up for the “Fan list” at the top of this page so that I can let them know when the book comes out. Everyone who does will be entered to win a signed copy of the book (paperback). Feel free to enter yourself as well!
- Do you know of anyone who would be interested in reviewing this book on their blog or podcast or radio show? Make the introduction!
- Do you know anyone who might be interested in interviewing me about the book (podcast, radio, TV)? I’d love the opportunity, and would be forever grateful!
- PRAY that the LORD will propel this book into a place of prominence in the Christian fiction marketplace so that I can lead others to think about the real issues of life through these stories.